
Can you earn a masters degree and go to law school at the same time?

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I am trying to head in the right direction, but I need a little guidance. so can someone please help me. what are some schools that offer joint degrees if any.




  1. Techincally you can however you would need the permission of both programs as the majority of law schools demand a full time commitment as to the majority of masters programs.

    It isn't uncommon to spend about a upwards of a  hundred hours per week between readings, research, classes and course work for a Masters or Juris Doctor.  They are a phenomenal commitment with regards to time and resources if you wish to do well and maintain your standing withing a program.  

    It would be advisable to do them separately if you wish to do well and maintain your sanity.

  2. Most law schools offer joint degrees of this type.  Typically the types of joint degrees offered with a law degree are Masters of Business Administration, Masters in Ciminal Justice, Masters in Finance. Masters in Economic, etc.  

    Schools I am aware of off the top of my head are: George Washington University Law School,  Suffolk University Law School, DePaul University Law School, Stanford Law School, Columbia Law, Pepperdine Law School, Yale Law, Rutgers Law......

    This type of program would be quite a challenge however so you gotta LOVE to study!

  3. A law degree is a doctorate. Why would you want to work on a Masters and a Doctors at the same time?

    I suppose, in theory, you could enroll in a Masters and a JD at the same time - but Law school is a most incredibly time consuming affair, and so is a decent Masters, so I doubt you could successfully complete either if you tried it.


  4. I know that Pepperdine University offers a joint JD/MBA degree, as well as a joint degree with a Masters in Public Policy.

  5. im pretty sure that the University of Pheonix does.

    idk but i think that UTK does too.

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