
Can you eat Tongkat Ali with Sambal Belacan?

by  |  earlier

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petai is bitter but it taste good with sambal belacan




  1. I don't have a tongkat. So I don't know.

  2. euwww!! no!

  3. Why not? Tongkat ali with sambal belacan +nasik+ timun+ sup kosong.

  4. u try then u let me know..

  5. I don't like to try weird recipes.........nanti sakit perut baru tahu.

  6. i dunno...

  7. i like to take Panadol by drinking Coke..

    coz i can see moon and star around my head..

  8. ahahaha!

    what la u jedi..sakit ka?

    u better eat tongkat ali with durian..perghhh...

  9. yes, we can... in fact it will cause the biter taste of tongkat ali gone

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