
Can you eat geltine and still be a vegatarian?

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If you can't, is there a name for someone who is a vegetarian for the most part but eats gelitine?




  1. depends on the kind of gelatin, if you use agar-agar gelatin which is made from seaweed then you are ok, but what you most often find in the store is made from animal bones.

  2. Nope, sorry. geletain is made from animal bones, and their is no name for it. So if you eat geletain, your still considered a meat eater.

  3. technically, you arent eating meat. most veggies dont because it still kills the animals

  4. it depends on why they are a vegetarian.

    if they are vegetarian for health reasons, then sure, it's fine.

    if they are a vegetartian for animal rights and welfare, then no, it's very hypocritical of them.

  5. If you eat gelatin, you are eating dead animals, so no, you would not be a vegetarian.  Why do you need a name or label?  If you eat dead creatures, you are an omnivore.  No need to break it up into sub catagories.  You either are, or aren't.

  6. Gelatin is made from animal skin so no you can't be a vegan totally.

  7. Maybe "a vegetarian that cheats." Just don't do it to often or the society will yank your Veggie Card. :-)

  8. Vegetarians do not eat gelatine, its a slaughter by-product

    There is no "name" for someone who is "veggie for the most part" and yet eats gelatine.

    What would be the point of that ? On any level, health, environment, religion, matter what your reasons for associating with vegetarianism, it makes no sense to be selective about which parts of the cow you eat to me, you are still responsible for the animal slaughter if you eat part of it.

  9. No real vegetarians don't eat gelatin, its sickening. Health vegetarians do however.

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