
Can you eat rice with coffee?

by  |  earlier

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in the 40,50,60,70 that is what many people in rural places eat for their breakfast. I think some people still practice it.Many people are very poor at that time. Their pour the coffee drink onto their rice and eat it




  1. i read ur question kan.. the i go kitchen n pour coffee on my ice.. i eat... i seriously puked.

  2. hehehe... i dont pour coffee drink onto my rice..but when i was a kid, i pour hot drinks on a dinner plate and slurrrrppp it. it cooled down faster than in a cup! hehehehe...

    now, my 2 yr old kiddo does that too and i dont know where she  learnt that from...

  3. ughh, i don't like coffee, i rather eat rice with plain water than eat rice with coffee

  4. call me weird but, it reminds me of the time me and my sis were lil girls and left home alone for the first time,, she scooped and ate a spoonful of brown sugar,, folllowed by me ,, i tried eating milo and milk powder, then she tried the instant coffee (wakakakakaka!!!)

    I still remember the goofy look on her face till today, phahahaha

    Hehe,, to answer your question,, my sister sure can,, hehe

  5. It's not quite my cup of tea, but I saw a chief on TV yesterday cooking a beef curry and the main ingredient is coffee, it's a Turkish dish (I think)

  6. I still do it once and a while when balik kampung. The taste was great and full of childhood memories.. and thats what I like about it.

  7. yes!!!!!

  8. No thanks.

  9. euwwwww....kopinasi??...kombinasi yg sangat anih......

  10. no i can't do that...

  11. honestly, jedi, i still do that...

  12. sure..if you give me 1 million dollar!

  13. no..never  do that...

  14. Hmmm I think it would be better with hot chocolate... here in the Philippines, we actually have a dish called "Champorado", which is a chocolate rice porridge... the basic ingredients are just sticky rice and cocoa powder... and it tastes good if you pour evaporated milk on it...yum!

  15. You can.

    Doesn't mean it won't taste like c**p.

    Just try it.

  16. really never knew this.. thanks for the info.. can i also know..who are the main people that eat this delicacy?

    just curious.. never heard of indian people doing

  17. thats really awful.

    it may be healthy but i would never do such thing.

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