
Can you eat squirrel? what else can you eat?

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just wondering is all because we eat all this stuff, but what else can you eat that isnt sold in stores




  1. Squirrel in a Brunswick stew or just fried squirrel Mcnuggets

    Smoked rabbit is one of the best foods I have ever eaten

    Turtle soup or just turtle saluted and smothered in cream of mushroom soup

    Gator tail and feets slow roasted over a low fire or BBQed

    Smoked Armadillo

    Snake Smoked, slow roasted or BBQed

    Coon if it is cooked, prepped and fed properly before slaughter

    Never ate cat but I have enjoyed puppy a couple of times but the third time made me deathly ill so I can't bring myself to do it again

    I can and have eaten things that God just did not intend to be eaten in my younger years

    About the only thing I wont eat is predators or anything that ever lived under water

  2. Squirrel=skin and clean,separate parts with knife just as you would a chicken,if bloodshot soak in salt water overnight in fridge,bring to boil for 10 min.with salt and pepper in water drain and and bring to boil again for 15 min. with salt pepper and onion in water,let cool roll in flour seasoned with salt and pepper and fry in butter;to skin a squirrel cut through bottom of bone of tail at base being care full not to slice top hide,stand on tail at incision and pull hind legs,then insert fingers under skin flaps on hind quarters and pull

  3. Most small animals taste pretty much like what ever they have been eating.  A squrrel that has been feasting on nuts will have meat with a light nutty flavor.  Rabbits are best in the summer and fall when there is plenty of tasty grass...... they are not so good in mid winter when all they have is birch bark to eat.

    Porcupine is good - if you boil the heck out of it and mix with allot of garlic.  Texture is much like pot roast.....with a hint of Mr. Clean in it since the eat nothing but pine bark and pine tree parts.

    Lynx is good - meat looks like pork when cooked - taste is like rare roast beef.

    Most all birds from pidgeons to grouse taste allot like cornish game hens you find in the store - the older birds you shoot have a ton more flavor than the 3-5 month old birds you find in a typical store.  It's hard to discribe just how tasty a white meat blue grouse breast is in a parmasian with melted cheese.

    Thanks to passing two different military survival schools I have eaten things that I won't go into here........... but it is truly amaizing what tastes great, once you get your mind off it.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Almost any animal can be eaten even skunk. Most of what is sought after (hunted) is preferred because of taste. So it depends on how hungry you are.

    As a general rule omnivores and meat eaters taste bad and are not eaten. Some people eat coyote, coon, possum but most do not prefer it.

    Rabbit, deer, elk, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, goose, are some of the best tasting.

  5. Of course. Tree rats don't have a lot of meat on them. I usually just put them in gumbo, but others like them breaded and fried. Want a recipe for opossum with sweet potatoes? How about coon and greens? A quick trip to the deep south would be pretty educational for you.

  6. Yes, squirrel is edible... just make sure it looks healthy.  You can also eat rabbit, which may sound mean/evil, but it's delicious.  Also venison (deer) is awesome.  And bear.

  7. If you can't eat squirrel then I am in a heap of trouble. I would say I have consumed several hundred in my 35 years and I ain't dead yet.

    As far as what you can eat? There is only one meat on the North American continent that you cant consume. Believe it or not, it is polar bear liver. Their liver is very high in substances that humans cannot consume.

    Otherwise, with proper preparation you can eat ANY OTHER MEAT in north america.

  8. Squirrels are really good if you run em through a pressure cooker first and then fry em. Rabbits are good the same way. Im not a big fan of venison, but alot of people do like it. Wild turkey, many people eat snapping turtles. Pigeons, doves, quail, pheasant. Man there is a list of wildgame out there 100 miles long and people eat it all the time.

  9. You can eat just about any mammal and reptile.... if you can stomach it!

    Trust me....  woodchuck tastes TERRIBLE!

  10. Any wild Game is best prepared in a crock-pot no matter what it is.* Anything and Everything.*

  11. puppy

  12. yes you can eat squirrle, its pretty good, Rabbit is good, Raccoon is not to good but you can eat it, some people even eat idea on that one!, Deer is awsome, bear, Boar,/wild hog,doves, quail, geese, ducks, this is a long list.....

  13. Squirrel and dumplings...mmmmmmm.

    Raccoon, possum, bear, cougar, armadillo

  14. Squirrel are best rolled in flour, salt and pepper, and fried, Serve them alongside biscuits and gravy. They are EXCELLENT! Rabbit are also good this way, but give them an overnight soak in milk or brine first.

  15. you can eat a rat if you cook it right and starving

    possum coon whatever you can find

  16. You can eat just about any mammal or bird. None of them are actually poisonous. You might want to be careful with some of the insects though. There are more plants that you shouldn't eat than there are insects you shouldn't eat. Be careful with the plants.

    I knew a kid when I was younger that would take snails right out of the garden, pop them in his mouth and eat them shell, dirt and all. We all thought it would kill him but it never did.

  17. yes and rabbit quail pheasant deer ground hog coon and yes opossum

  18. remember this little rhyme

    you can eat


    made of meat

  19. (Q1. Can you eat squirrel?

    (A1. Yes. In fact there are a huge number of recipes for squirrel.*

    (Q2. what else can you eat?

    (A2. After watching Bear Grills, I think its safe to say you can eat just about any animal provided you properly clean it and cook it. That includes things like rabbit, pigeon, deer, buffalo, coyote, beaver, ground hog, etc... and a whole bunch of things you don't want to think about like dog**, cat***, snakes, bugs, and worms.

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