
Can you eat with teeth spacers?

by  |  earlier

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  1. sup

    i got my spacers yesterday and they do hurt like heck

    so, all i could eat were mashed potatoes, bananas, oatmeal, and some hard chocolate(sucked on them)

    u could also eat pudding and ice cream

    not that much of a choice

    next week on thursday, i have to get my bottom spacers

    they drive me nuts

  2. uugh i hate the spacers!!

  3. yes you can eat with spacers, but it hurts. eat soft things. don't eat some meat. it hurts to chew.

  4. I have spacers now & I cant eat anythin!!!! They hurt 2 much......... you should try eatin soft foods like ummmm yogurt spaghetti.... u should also experiment with different types of foods

    good luk!

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