
Can you evaluate this idea on class struggle?

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What would happen if people managed to get it so that rich people had more children and the poor had less? Would it be feasible without resorting to over strict/evil policies?

generally the poor have many children (by nature) and they can't climb up the social ladder/support their children, but if the rich had more children, it would spread the wealth around.

Your thoughts?




  1. it would cut down the number of birthes into the people in poverty, but lets remember jimy that people also fall into poverty from spending, debt, and general idiocracy. A rich man with many spoiled brats can turn into a poor man with many bratty poor children who would breed to make more poor children of they do not make any money. It could be feasible in the US if we deporteded sayyyyy a majority of oakland, new york, brooklyn, los angeles, detroit, miami, houston, austin, san antonio, and dallas to say mexico

  2. I don't think this is fair at all. Why should the rich only be allowed to have children, just because they have a lot of money? They won't be spreading the wealth around, richkids will be greedy like their rich parents. They will only use their money for their wants and needs.

  3. There are no easy solutions to class struggle.  Simple mathematics are not going to solve anything.  Having many children is more a cause of poverty than a symptom.  In the USA, our tax system and very limited oppurtunities for economic advancement and education among the poor combine to ensure that the difference between the poor and the very rich is extremely great and to an extent, hereditary. So, encouraging the very rich to have more children would only mean more rich people.

  4. If thr Rich had more children then the poor would have even more than the increase of the Rich.

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