
Can you ever act normal again with someone you used to have a crush on?

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A co-worker and I used to have a slight crush on each other. It was mostly me blushing to his covert flirtations. Both of us have stopped this. Now he acts like everything I do (like saying Hi) is a "sign" that I want him. He is being rediculous. Will he ever accept that I do not like him like that? Will he ever get over himself, so we can work together effectively?




  1. Yes you can.

    Him acting that you still want him, shows that he STILL has a crush on you. If he was over you, he would act professional and return it to a platonic work relationship. That proves that he wants to think you still like him. He turns a simple "hello" into "i want you."

    Just ignore it. Don't let it get to you.

  2. sounds like the problem is on him!  and it's his choice to get over it or not!

    that must suck!

  3. tell him that you no longer have feelings for him, even though it may or may not be true

  4. I would talk to him in private and tell him to act professional and if he doesn't he is making an a&& out of himself.  Just go about normal duties.  If he doesn't back off you might have to go to your employer about his actions.  I suggest not saying hello anymore and avoid the jerk.

  5. Yeah people can act normal again,but in this case he isn't over his crush on you.Tell him flat out that you are not into him in that way anymore and you would like to work together without it being awkward.If he still doesn't get the hint just don't talk to him as much and be mean if you have to.This would annoy me.

  6. Dear True Enough,

    You can't control other people. If he wants to think that, he's going to. There's really no way to tell if he will ever accept that you don't like him that way. Chances are, that this will soon pass. And he may be doing this just to tease you. If this has been going on for a while, then maybe it's time to confront him. Be very serious, and don't laugh or smile when you talk to him. Tell him that you do not like him in that way, and that is time to start being adult about this situation, and to just let it go. Make the talk very short and to the point. Give it some time. He will eventually realize that this is very immature, and that he needs to let it go. He will get over himself soon enough, and it may be hard to work together effectively. But even if he doesn't forget it, just go on being civil to him, and don't do anything that may send off the wrong message. When you work together, just act like nothing ever happened between the two of you. Trying to at least be his friend right now may not be such a good idea! Just be decent and civil to him, and act like nothing ever happened.

    This is the best advice I can give you. Good Luck! Hope I've helped!!!!!


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