
Can you ever really become a "morning person"?

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They say that people can adjust to waking up early but I'm not convinced. I've been getting up at 4:15 a.m. for over a year now and I'm still tired all the time. I even try going to bed no later than 9 p.m. but it doesn't really help. In the past I've had jobs where I could sleep in until 6:30 a.m. and I always felt more rested and energized. Thoughts?




  1. 4:15 is too early for me, 5:30 or 6:30 is a reasonable time to get up and consider yourself a morning person.

  2. i totally love the morning but I'm funny about it cos I like to wake up super early but sleep in the afternoon and wake up again for the evening but go back to sleep at night but still wake up early... isn't that weird!!!

  3. i am a morning person  i get up at 4:30  each morning but i go to bed early as well ,  yes i am a morning person  not a night person at all  

  4. I've never been a morning person.  All the way through school, and as I worked day shift, getting up and getting out the door on time was very difficult for me.  Getting to sleep in the evening was harder still, since I am so wide awake then.

    Now, retired.  I usually stay up till 2 or 3 AM, sleep until 10 or 11 AM. Much nicer.

  5. I already am a morning person. I wake up at 6, not around 4 :) and go to bed at 10:30

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