
Can you ever win the game monopoly?

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Can you ever win the game monopoly?




  1. yes, i've won a couple of times me and my friends have game nights, the longest we've played monopoly was for five hours.

  2. It's a long game but yep you can.

  3. Ahh a classic game, yes I've won everyone now and then

    but the main strategy is.....BUY!BUY!BUY!

  4. Not any more.  I used to beat everyone in the family, but now they gang up on me.  They will never sell me any property or make any deal with me.  It's me against everyone else!  Usually I lose.  I could beat any one or two of them, but not all of them combined against me.

  5. yes of course.  but depending on the property division, it could go on and on and on.....

  6. yeah i do it all the time.

    i'm the monopoly champ!

  7. Ya its called u be that banker...u have the money behind u....and wehn the other player(s) arent looking grab some money and buy, repeat....or have them special dice that are heavier on 1 side and when ur at a certant spot you take em out and...get...FREE PARCKING!!!!!!and also make sure there is alot of money in da middle...

  8. yea I'm always winning. i am MR.MONOPOLY. it may take a couple of hours (like 9-10) but in the end there is one winner. so the answer to your question is yes there is. (start with the cheap dark purple properties.)

  9. Yeah, I know what my opponents have so I know what to buy and look out for. I ROCK the monopoly world.

  10. yes i am a champ i always win monoply and we play from two to four players.  its so much fun cause sometimes we get so bankrupt we can't play but one timke everyone else had less than 11 dollares and i had over 10000 dolares

  11. of course you can....but if you are like me you end up falling asleep before the game is over...on the directions it suggests playing a timed 60 minutes; then whoever has the most money wins...

  12. It normally takes up to four hours but yeah.

  13. yeah just get the other player(s) bankrupt. get them to have no money left or properties to morgage!

  14. Yeah  i win all the time  thru shady deals  where i eventually s***w my partners

  15. yup yes ya

  16. of course

  17. Yeah, but it'll take many hours to do so.

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