
Can you evict for messiness?

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can you evict someone simply for being messy? the mess is not like garbage, but actual stuff that just doesn't fit in the house. it's not like food and gross stuff, but winter jackets and stuff, all placed in bins right outside the house under the carport. or for parking in your parking space, even though your only using it once every other month? can you evict someone for being messy even if the home is in bad condition anyways?




  1. You can, but you have to send them a 30 day correction notice first.   They HAVE to be given a chance to correct the problem.

    Be very clear that all personal items are to remain inside the house, nothing outside.    Also you need to be very specific about where they are parking that they should not be.

    I have a tenant like this too, very trashy, puts the weirdest things in the front yard.   Couches, etc.    I have to threaten her every few months, but she always cleans it up.   It does not last long, but it helps.

    BTW, once they correct the situation it is done.....if they do it again you have to issue another 30 day.

  2. I have tenants like that, in fact we just went through that two weeks ago with a real junk collector/hoarder.  He had stuff everywhere!  He has been with us for about 3 years, and doesn't like to throw anything out.  He had a collection  of old cars with no inspection sticker on top of everything else.  We sent him a certified letter explaining that we have periodic insurance inspections, and city inspections, and you may be fined, and that you will pass the expense on to them.  Explain that this kind of accumulation of items, attracts rodents.  We gave the tenant a date that everything had to be cleaned up, and we told him in the letter, that if it wasn't cleaned up, that we would hire a trash hauler, and charge him for it, payable as rent.  Just a bluff, but it worked.  He got rid of the old cars, and got rid of/threw out all of the things that were everywhere.  Good Luck!

  3. It's against most housing codes for 4 to live in a one bedroom. The city can cite both you and your parents and fine you and even evict you. And you can see that the house is far too small for you anyway.

    Landlords can control outside storage and in some cases, inside clutter. But you have said they are trying to control your behavior (families try that sometimes) so it's time to move anyway.

    Good luck.

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