
Can you explain? 10 pts?

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Ok people 10 pts for best answer.

Look at the chair you are sitting in and study it hard...... when your done studying it, explain to me how it doesnt exist.




  1. my eye just focused on it so much that it can't recognize it any more (some way like camuflage)

  2. OK, How do I know this chair exist? Light carryring information photons are reflected from the chair to my lens to through my retina to my optic nerve which sends a signal to my brain, processing it is a visual image.

    But again How do I know that Light exist without Light. If i was in a dark room, I know the chair is there, why? because I could feel it. Well the sensory receptors in my skin gather information such as touch, pressure or pain. so it sends this info to my brain. I could "feel" the chair.

    Again what if you could not feel the chair? Why is it there? how is it separate? Separation is an illusion.  There is energy traveling at thousands of miles per second in your body right at this moment.  There is energy interacting between, passing between, you and the chair you are sitting on, you and the air around you, you and any other beings in the room.

    I think I see the chair, I think I feel it, I think I'm separate.and the same as for sound.

    All appearance is a Quantum holographic illusion.

  3. Cause i am sitting on the toilet taking a dump...

    but what's inside my toilet sure does exist...i can smell it.


  4. Because i am sitting on my bed?

  5. Hahaha..same thing as the first one..

    Im sitting on my bed..hehehe

  6. What is reality but illusion? Scientifically, mathematically, *logically*-speaking, we can define the chair in terms of numbers, equations, and particles, but where does the existence of those numbers, equations, and particles stem from? Everything that is made up of visible matter is acknowledged by the brain as something real, but in terms of the universe; the theories of space and time, and the consideration that all is imagined as by the mind, it can only be said that the chair cannot exist. Einstein claimed that time had no means; and therefore everything occurs simulateneously; the past, present, and future...assuming that is so, the chair has yet to exist; has already existed and is now gone; yet is recognized by the eye as a solid object; a tangible part of our universe.

  7. The chair, an inanimate object has existence only in the minds of those who experience the seat in their lives. However, in the minds of those who have had no contact with the 'chair', as the primitive man or the blind from birth, it is very possible for the chair to be non-existed in their knowledge. I refer to the riddle of the three blind men who were asked to identify an elephant. One grabbed the trunk and said it was a snake, one touched the leg and said it was a tree trunk, the last men took hold of the tail and said it was truly a worm. The elephant was non-existed for the three men.


  8. well, for all practical purposes it does exist.

    However, it is composed of atoms, which are composed of sub-atomic paricles, which are composed only composed of massless vibrations. Which then brings us into quantum physics where a new definition of existance need to be defined.

  9. You can't really ask this type of question, because the question itself doesn't exist at all. The words, phrases, and symbols we call the alphabet are all arbitrary icons that we have developed to better suit ourselves and help work more efficiently.

    The chair doesn't exist because what we in fact perceive as a chair, and our frame of reference for a chair, only requires that it conforms to "chairness". Had it been called a dog, the chair would exist as a dog. Had it not been thought of, it would not exist, which leads me to my final point.

    Even though it may, or may not exist, the mere thought of its existence gives it existence, at least to us. Not I think therefore I am, but rather, because we think, it is.

  10. Because atoms consist mainly of empty space?

  11. Um, because it doesn't think and therefore it can't be?

    Are you playing at some form of post modern semantical masturbation here?

  12. What chair?

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