
Can you explain about a time that something bad turned into something good?

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Can you explain about a time that something bad turned into something good?




  1. well, my father lost his sight one year ago this February. Because of this< he had to move in with my husband and me>   I have five siblings but I was the logical choice.  The first six months, I thought I would have a nervous breakdown trying to take care of him, his doctor appointments and medications plus work full time. It has come now to my dad and me being close as ever, he's helping me around the house and feeling like a real member of our family.  He does the laundry, empties the dishwasher and folds towels.  He is doing great and I am so blessed to have him with me.

  2. Well about 3 or so weeks ago I was supposed to go to a doctors appt. for my stepson, on a usual basis, I don't watch TV after work if I am leaving right away and I wasn't paying much attention to the weather, anyways the car broke down and we had to cancel a very important appt. only to have a tornado pass right through right were we would have been on the road at about the same time we would have been there on our way to the doctor, talk about luck but a bad situation in 2 ways (cost of repairs on the car and the inability to make it to the appt.) paid off in the end!

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