
Can you explain and give some example what the similarity and the defference of money and love?

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Can you explain and give some example what the similarity and the defference of money and love?




  1. With love and money no matter how much you have you always want more.

    Some people think that you work for money and love just happens. Truth is you have to work for both.

    You invest money to make more money same with love.

  2. Well it depends on what you want us to explain. for example. the happiness for each that you gain, or the sorrow. maybe how you gain money and love. what you go through to get them. but i can tell you this. people say that money isnt the answer to everything. well they're right it isnt. but it sure does help. same as love. people say that they can go without love. so they dont hurt inside if anything does happen between them. it takes alot to get both in your posession. You work hard to get alot of money. You work hard to gain love. One mistake and you could lose it all. Another thing is you cherish money and you cherish love. Here are some examples like you requested.

    1.) Money - helps to give happiness - gives you most of the things you need or want. Very hard to gain - you start off small, then as you get promoted your wage increases. One thing could mess all of it up - you dont do what you're required to do, you could be demoted or even worse lose your job.

    2.) Love - helps to give happiness - knowing that someone wants you for who you are, someone who is just like you and share the same traits, likes dislikes, your personallity with you, is really nice to have. Very hard to gain - you dont love someone when you first say hi (unless you are the type who believe in love at first sight) you have to talk to them and get to know them, know who they are inside and out. have the feelings build up towards them and let them build the feelings for you. it takes awhile :) One thing could mess all of it up - Drugs, Alchohol, could mess everything up, cheating on that person, anything that you could think of.

    Hopefully Ive helped. :)

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