
Can you explain citizenships, greencards and whatnot to me?

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My friend's been telling me about China, sounds like a real cool place, i wanna have the option of moving there but still keep my choice of moving back here whenever i want. My dad says thats not how it :]




  1. If you are in the US on a green card, if you leave for too long, you can lose it.  If you have US citizenship, you will be able to come back to the US at any time.

    I don't know how hard it is to get a work visa for China but I am trying to go there as a tourist and I am being told that just to get a tourist visa, I need to either be on an organized tour or have an invitiation from somebody in China who will have to give their name and address.  I assume getting a work visa there is not so easy.  China does not allow dual citizenship so if you qualified for Chinese citizenship, you could not also be a US citizen.  

  2. He might be talking about the fact that you usually need visas to travel/work or study in a country. There is usually a specific visa for your circumstances/requirement, they can take up to 6 weeks to get and can be very complicated. For example you might need a job offer first and only in a job that a citizen of the country can't do. Contact the Chinese embassay for more information. I assume you are a US citizen? As far as I know US citizens can have dual nationality. To live and work in another country you do not need to change your citizenship, I know, I have done this. Good luck

  3. Hey!

    sorry i'm not really answering your question, but you said you would date me and you should definately email me so that we can get to know each the least just become friends!

    my email is


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