
Can you explain how observations of babies and young people contribrute to planning?

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Can you explain how observations of babies and young people contribrute to planning?




  1. Planning what?  Whose planning?   Whose observations?  Please ask the whole question.  I don't have a clue what you are trying to ask.

  2. im not sure if you mean in childcare or something like that?

    but i work in childcare and we do observations on all the children to help with making our programs.

    it helps because it shows what the child can and cant do and can also show what the child is interested in.

    this helps because then we can make the program around things the child enjoys and also things they need to practice/work on.

    hope that helps

  3. There's little connection between the two

  4. It's very simple. Observations give you an idea what to expect so that you can make better plans.

  5. When you observe you are finding out what they can already do.  This will be the basis of  your planning for what you want them to learn next.

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