
Can you explain just how much you love your child?

by Guest63359  |  earlier

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I have no children of my own and i was wondering just how strong is the attachment and bond between parent and child. Is it so strong that people will literally die for their children to be safe? Is it something i will understand until i have children?




  1. You cant know until you have kids. I used to be a childcare worker, and never really knew how much kids mean, I would die for my kids!! If there sick, I wish it was me. The love I have for them is the strongest love I have ever felt for anyone. They are my life, my heart, my soul!

  2. after 2 miscarriages 3 months ago god blessed me with a healthy baby boy. noone can ever understand until you experience that bond and love. i would actually lay down and die for my child without any hesitation, he is my world my happiness and my heart and soul. hes the one person that i can always tuen to when i dont feel so great, hes always there for me with that big beautiful smile, and even though he cant talk to me yet, just the mere sight of him makes all of my problems seem so small, al long as he is healthy and taken care of then im happy. i could say a million more things about him, but there isnt enough space for me to list how much i actually love my child. when and if you ever get to experience that miracle then you will understand.

  3. Putting it into words is almost impossible.  I guess I can say that I would literally stand in front of a train to save one of my children.  I would take on the ugliest, meanest, nastiest disease to prevent my child from getting it.

    There aren't enough word to explain how much I love my children .  It's hard to explain something unless you can talk about how far it goes.  I can't explain ow far my love goes because it's never ending.  

    I can't say that one will understand when he/she has children because some parents don't ever feel this way for their kids, not everyone does.  More than likely you'll be amazed at how your heart feels...indescribable.

  4. No.

    The love for my Children, is deeper than the deepest ocean, and taller than the tallest mountain. It's bigger than the universe.

    Like many things, you don't understand until you have children.

  5. No. Words can't tell how much my children mean to me, they are my reason for living.. They are my life. I would easily give up my life for them, they are just so special. I don't think you can really understand until you have a child of your own. I can't speak for othher parents but I know that my love for my kids is greater then anything else.

  6. It's impossible to describe into words. Until you have a child, you can never understand how it feels to be a parent. I would die for any one of my children. I would die, come back to life, and die again for my kids... [lol] It's a bond and connection like no other...

  7. The bond is unlike anything you will ever have experienced in your entire life. From a woman's perspective, it's a miracle that this human being was inside of you and literally a part of you for so long. But, just from seeing my husband's reaction, I know that a man feels just as bonded to his baby, even if they were not one flesh for that period of time.

    After I had my first child, I would look at my childless friends and think "they have no idea." I was 20 and single when I had my first baby, and I finished college on time at the age of 22. I really felt different from the "average" 21 year old college student. I would look at all the "kids" around me and just think,  "they are so selfish. they think they have it so hard. they can nap whenever they want, leave the house at 10pm if they please. I will never have sympathy for someone without kids when they complain about being tired, busy. etc. They have no IDEA what really being busy and tired is!"

    Now I am just a bit older. I am 26, and my second child is only 6 months old. I still have that amazing bond with her too, but I am less critical of those around me without children. I know that it's not their fault that they haven't experienced it yet and that they don't know what it's like to be a parent. I just smile and get all warm and fuzzy inside though when I think about them having their "transformation" someday when they have their first little baby that they know is alive, only because they and another person met and fell in love. Hope this helps!

  8. Depends..............children show their concern for their parents just as much as parents do..............little acts which they do show their gratitude from an early age........there is a lot of difference between children too.............for me,their father too plays a very big role in how much love he shows for his wife as the mother of their kids

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