
Can you explain the excitement of a hole in one?

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Can you explain the excitement of a hole in one?




  1. dpends on if we are talking golf or you?


  2. I shook for about 3 holes after my only hole in one. I have played since I was 5 years old, had my hole in one when I was 26 in a tournament and I agree, it is the ultimate prize for putting in all the hard work. A lot of people have hole in ones and some of them dont deserve it. I know that sounds bad but I know a lot of guys who dont have one who have played their entire lives and others who have played for 5 years and already have a couple. Some of it is luck, obviously because once your ball gets onto the green, the slope can take it anywhere it wants.

  3. easy how many skins on the line definate k p and did i pay hole in one insurance .  live in canada  horrible one , played with two R.C.M.P.  officers all of our clubs  lot of air miles that day . got award , from club , name on plaque tried to scratch date off  it was 9/11 . dont count it

  4. I have had two "holes in one" now on the golf course.

    two different golf courses actually and the first one actually involved the game of golf.

    it was sensational.

    the second one was even more exhilarating !

  5. Non on the course - but it even felt great on Wii Sports!... I can't wait to see how it feels on a real course.

    As a side note, I imagine it will feel as good as winning my club's annual tennis tournament.  I couldn't wipe the smile from my face for a week.

  6. I can't even play mini golf...wouldn't even attempt the real thing.

  7. It's kind of like winning a lotto.  You don't think it can happen, but it does.  It's always best to have others as a witness.  It's really great when your golfing buddy is there for your second or third one, when he hasn't had one yet.  Sweet!

  8. Its almost like perfect s*x with the ultimate person. It is really a very difficult think to do and when you do it it makes up for alot of depressing roun/s you have had before!!!!

  9. THESE POSTS ARE NOT FROM GOLFERS...the real thrill of the hole in 1 is seeing all your years of hard work, focus, patience, diligence, and repetition pay off

    to liken that to hitting the lottery is not only insulting to 'real golfers' but to the game and all it represents

  10. I have had 5 been paying for 23 years the most recent was sept 12 at Rancho park in Los Angeles in a friends member guest it is exciting for the day is it like winning the lotto in my opinion no.  A hole in one is all luck, but yes the first one is the most exciting.   Numbers 2,3 and 4 happened in a 10 day span believe it or not and 2 of them have been tournaments.  Only saw numbers 4 and 5 go in!!!!

  11. well its after a long night of dancing laughing your nervous still overwelmed with antisipation like a 16 year old sweaty palms then bamb you hit the driver and it keeps going and going then it hits the turf and ssssssslowly fills the hole with the flag still in .

  12. It is so exciting to have one. I had 2 of them in 2007.  I think Arnold Palmer has had approx. 18.

  13. They are rare, but I played golf for almost 40 years  before getting a hole-in-one, and it was not nearly as exciting as I thought it might be.  There was no euphoria for me, it was just like - well that is what I was aiming at, I finally hit a perfect shot.  I have had three more since and it is always fun don't get me wrong, but not really jumping up and down screaming like some people might.

  14. Surprise! Lucky! What? NoWay! I was hitting the irons very well that day...Oct. 12. Came up to moderately diffucult 150+ yd. par 3; uphill and over a ravine.  The ball faded left over the flag about 12 ft. stopped and rolled back very slowly into the hole. Seemed like forever. Had two witnesses. Had my first eagle on a new course a month prior. Don't quit before the miracle happens. I am an average golfer. Started 3 years ago.

  15. I'm learning.  My boyfriend is teaching me all about 'golf'.

  16. its like the biggest rush ever. heart thumping euphoria.

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