
Can you explain the substance behind all Barracks speachs? ?

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Throughout the last few months, we have heard all the fluff filled speech's about how Barrack Obama is going to make change in this country. Can anyone out there tell me some of the substance of the change he said he'll make, you know, like where the money will come from for all this change. OH, and do not tell me about George Bush, and John McCain, we hear your complaints about them all the time. we'd like to hear about Barracks ideas, not that he just has some. I can't wait for the old liberal jibber, jabber. I have the aspirin ready folks.




  1. So now Obama-Biden is going to lower taxes, be out of Iraq by 2010, and they claim America is broke (washington) and it needs to be fixed (original campaign taglines for Mitt Romney), clean up national security,  blah blah blah ....

    Starting to sound like Obama-Biden is going to be another 4 years of george Bus ...  I just have to laugh ... It's too funny ...  These guys are flip-flopping like a fresh caught fish in a hot pan ...  Gotta Luv it..

  2. I have never heard any politician of any party describe where they will get the money for their goals and plans once they are elected.  Didn't Huckabee talk about dissolving the IRS?  How was he going to do that?  I'm also not sure where the money for the war in Iraq came from, but apparently as president you get to have an unlimited supply of money, so I'm not really worried about it.  7 Trillion dollars is quite a bit of money to spend on renewable energy and reducing poverty.  I can't wait to see what Barack does with it.  

  3. this is a hard question since none seem to know from one day to the next just what his plans are, it depends upon if it is going to rain him out from some large stadium or not, but far as i can figure he is going to pull us out of iraq even though we are winning now and he is going to give us all free schooling , free healthcare, make us safer by attacking Pakisitan, and getting sit downs with our enemies so we can offer then more money not to attack us and give our remaining jobs to those overseas, all of this will be possible with larger taxes on the rich, more taxes on the oil companies ect and we have already seen that he wants to ban the freedom of speech when he tried to get the justice department to stop some neg ads on him  

  4. That is called "smoke, mirrors and gratuitous fluff".

    Err, umm, uhhh, hum, duh, errr, uhh.

    Barrack Obama approved this message.

  5. What substance?

  6. You can't explain NOTHING

  7. From what I've pulled out, Obama wants to turn America into a socialist state. His plans for redistribution of wealth and universal health care are just two examples of his plan for the ultimate destruction of the USA.

  8. Simple.  Change.  Not sure exactly what kind or how he plans to do it, but by golly, it's change!  Change!  Woo-hoo! Change!!!  It's like, um, changing change, ya know?  Change-a-licious!  Change-a-rooni!  Even Oprah is up for it, and geeze, Oprah surely knows change when she sees it!  I mean gosh!  And those fireworks at his nomination speech!  WOW!!!  Can you believe those fireworks.  Those weren't just any old fireworks either buddy.  Those were DIFFERENT fireworks.  Not sure what kind of carbon footprint those bad boys left, but wow.  Ya just gotta vote for him just because of those!  Man.  Change... whew.  Ya change your socks, change your underwear, change the toilet paper roll when it's empty.  Change is good, see?  Change.  Just like the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 - Октябрьская революция.  Man oh man!

  9. He is going to change money from the haves to the have nots.

    From the workers to the non workers.

  10. substance? No.  Do they sound good?  If you drink enough koolaid he does.

    Even members of the democratic party think he's a joke.  Watch the video.

  11. No.  Obama is all BS.

  12. lol,gooooooooood luck!

  13. I wish I could help you, but I have not entered the zombie trance state the liberals are in and I am very famililar with the same ol same ol Democratic speeches cause I've heard them before.

    You may not realize that the Union media are making the Unionizer Obama a celebrity.  And the youth of today are star struck.

    According to a recent study by the Media Research Center, NBC News has the most lopsided pro-Obama coverage among national TV news operations. The MRC found that pro-Obama reports outnumber anti-Obama reports by 10 to one on NBC News, an amazing statistic.

    With that in mind, let's take a look at how the NBC Nightly News might look sometime very soon.

    "Hi, I'm Brian Williams, thank you for joining us tonight. Before we get to our lineup this evening, I should tell you that I am wearing the same kind of suit Senator Obama had on yesterday, and I like it very much. The fabric is soft and has an air of authority. I want to thank the Senator for his good taste.

    "Our first story tonight is from Andrea Mitchell, who has learned that Senator Obama is indeed related to Moses. NBC has discovered the wicker basket in which Moses floated down the Nile River before being rescued by the Pharaoh's wife. We can tell you tonight that DNA traces found in that basket match Barack Obama! Incredible.

    "Also ahead, NBC News correspondent Lee Cowan is traveling with Senator Obama and reports that he is a really big tipper, and his teeth are perfect.

    "Continuing with our election coverage, Chuck Todd will analyze exactly how Michelle Obama came to be so smart. And good looking. By the way, my wife has a dress very similar to the one Mrs. Obama wore on stage in Denver. She likes it a lot.

    "After Chuck files his report, Maria Menounos has an exclusive story on how Rev. Wright has undergone a radical transformation. Maria has learned that after going to Lourdes, the Reverend now believes all Americans are really neat people, and is wearing the same kind of American flag pin that Barack Obama wears. Rather than damning America, Wright now believes the Deity likes the country especially because Senator Obama might be President.

    "Finally, Tom Brokaw will take a look back at the entire Obama family tree. This is amazing. New evidence suggests that Barack Obama is not only a distant cousin to d**k Cheney, but is also related to General George Patton, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and St. Francis of Assisi. DNA found on a bird in Chicago confirms this.

    "As for John McCain, there is a rumor he has been denied AARP membership because he is too old.

    "So we have quite a program for you this evening right here on NBC News. Please stay tuned."

    (I'm with you on the aspirin)

  14. I didn't get the whole thing about McCain not going after Bin the caves.... I have to give him credit, it played well with the socialists and Hollywood elites in the crowd.

    It was a liberal speech.....

    Liberal Speech + Liberal Media = Let's forget the context of the speech and give it an A because of the crowd.

  15. It is spelled "speeches".

    Obama is careful to not use too big of words for ordinary people. You can easily google them to read at your own speed.

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