
Can you explain these quotes (science)?

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Science is organized knowledge.

--Herbert Spencer

Science is the systematic classification of experience.

--George Henry Lewes

Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it.

--Albert Einstein

Science, in the very act of solving problems, creates more of them.

--Abraham Flexner

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

--Albert Einstein

Science belongs to no one country.

--Louis Pasteur

“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”

--Galileo Galilei

**you can explain ANY of these






  1. i think you know the answers. jeez, arent they all self-explanatory?  kind of a complex question you have there, which requires lots of answers.  Sigh....the first one refers to science having a set of rules that call for empiricism--an organization--a method.  Same thing, basically, in the second quote.  Third one is typical einstein--truth mixed with wit....he is referring to the fact that science is hard work for little money, but its essence is wonderful (the abstract results are great but not the actual work).  the next one (flexner) refers to the fact that science is always striving for more explanation and knowledge....that the more we know, the more we find we dont know.  the next one (einstein again) is simply einstein making a statement (most likely) about his own duality...his basic belief in some form of deity, in contradiction with his belief in science. Sort of saying one is the yin and the other is the yang.  Pasteur is referring to the universality of science, which knows no political boundaries. Finally, Galileo is referring to the fact that reason is preferable over authority and is a reference to the catholic church and its condemnation of his work.  It is very late (early) and my tired brain worked too hard giving this admittedly half-assed answer.....ask something easier next time or ask in the afternoon. :o)

  2. here

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