
Can you explain this? (Paranormal)?

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This really happened. One morning while I was half awake/half asleep, I imagined(visualized) myself trying to enter my sister's body(she was sleeping in a bed next to me). When she woke up, she said she felt something trying to enter her body. How can this be explained? Was it my spirit?




  1. Something tells me there are details that have been ommited from your story. First off why would want to enter your sister's body? Then understand that most people are going to see that were half asleep and tell you, you imagined the whole thing.

    I would assume this is not the first time you've tried to do this. And that your sister knows you were attempting this. Therefore it stands to reason that your sister, who was also probably half asleep as she woke up, acted under the power of suggestion and thought that maybe you were attempting to project yourself into her.

    Then on the other side of the coin, if you believe in the possibility of phenomena like astral projection (different than remote viewing), when people are in an altered state of mind they are able to project themselves through a vehicle created by energy existing on what some call the astral planes (in the 19th century the common name for this place was the realm of aether). This astral vehical (or body if you will) often looks like the person projecting. Some believe that one can use this astral body to essentially project their concsiousness to where ever they want to go - through other realms, places in the world, even other people.

    While astral projection or something maybe like shared dreaming could be possibilities, none of it has any scientific basis and really functions more on a philosophical level. That and I have to tell you I've practiced astral projection for years now and I have seen some pretty cool stuff, don't do LSD get good at astral projection. But that said - I have yet to be able to read the answers off any of my exams the night before a test. ;-)

  2. This is called lucid dreaming when you get out of your body and even try to enter someone else's. Your sister probably has this too. It doesn't happen to people that often, but it sounds so interesting and weird.

  3. K I thought this kinda stuff was illegal? You can move to france to go do that kinda stuff

  4. Yes.

    Here is the most likely explanation:

    You retroactively convinced yourself that something special happened after a weird coincidence.  And since no one can prove you wrong, you feel that this is the same thing as being right.

    There is no need to look for the supernatural when delusion is such clean explanation.

    Nothing special happened to you.

    How would you know the feeling of leaving your body if it never happened before?  How would your sister know the feeling of possession?  

    Sleep is an altered state where your mind does not work like it does when you are awake.  Perceptions and experiences on the edge of sleep aren't reliable.  I have had conversations with my wife in the middle of the night that I didn't recall the next morning.

  5. You can really mess up your family tree with that kind of stuff.

  6. It was a dream.  I'll bet you 10 bucks you told your sister about this dream before she mentioned that she felt anything.  The power of suggestion is very strong.

  7. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.This can be explained by a young girls imagination.Only this and nothing more.

  8. You were trying to enter your sister?  Wait, you sleep with your sister?  Is this a joke?

    If it isn't the most reasonable explanation I can think of is that the two of you share a similar belief system.  Perhaps it was something discussed recently?

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