
Can you explain this quote?

by Guest59781  |  earlier

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Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway





  1. It is suggesting we should not let others limit our potential by telling us what we want to achieve is impossible.

  2. its sort of saying, the bumblebee is not supposed to be able to fly, but it can, and it wants to, so it does

  3. if you think you can't do something, you really won't. but if you keep your mind off your weeknesses, you'd accomplish almost anything.

  4. It means dont let anything get in your way...keep on keeping on

  5. its like the explanation of "mind over body"...

    by the power of mind.. your body can do unexpected things even though facts proves it cannot..

  6. Yeah Its saying you can do anything as long as no one puts you down Believe you can and prove everyone wrong!

  7. well it can be the determination factor. Many people think that they are unable to achieve certain goals or reach new heights in life because they lacks what it takes, e.g. smarts, money, etc. However, that should not prevent them from trying. Sometimes, what seems extraordinary may not be that after all. Therefore, we should not limit ourselves or feel imprisoned by certain expectations. Nothing is out of our reach, if we try. Hope that helps.

  8. sometimes knowledge (protocol, etc) gets in the way of creativity, intuition, conscience, or initiative.

    Also, aknowledging something is impossible, forbids you from trying.

    Bumblebees do not fly well. But it's aerodynamic limitations reduce its speed, making landings softer on petals. So the end result is more flowers get pollinated.

    Children do not realize that the tricycle is an engineering no-no. It places the weight at the highest point, balancing on three wheels, with minimal rake angle for stability at any amount of spirited riding. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to pedal something when the pedals are changing their orientation every time you turn the handlebar. For these reasons, among others, there is little demand for a tricycle large enough for adults.

    But children do fine with it, cuz they have no knowledge of physics, and don't realize their knees only bend in one direction.

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