
Can you explain this to me in simpler terms?

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im have to explain an article for my class and i found this and i just want it in simpler terms thanks in advance




  1. Please do yourself a favour... choose a different one!

    This one is too full of very complex geo-political issues and unresolved scientific debate.

  2. Sure its call fear mongering and the UN is using it to try and validate themselves because they have not be useful for awhile in solving anything.  

  3. There is currently no evidence that man has made any significant contribution to climate change.

    Some interesting facts.

    1. During most of the past 2,000 years, the temp has been about the same or higher. Currently, we are barely over the average for the last 2,000 years.

    2. During the medieval warm period (820 – 1040 AD), Greenland supported farming. Those areas previously farmed are now covered in glaciers. Obviously the melting and reformation of glaciers is a cyclical occurrence.

    3. The earth experienced a little ice age which ended around the late 1860's or so. This is about the time man started recording temperatures. This would be like measuring a lake depth after a severe drought, then worrying about it flooding as it rose to normal levels.

    4. The earth has been warming for the last 18,000 years, since the last major glacier time period. During this time frame, the glaciers have been melting at a fairly consistent rate. Also, for most of the last 1 billion years, the earth had NO glaciers or ice coverage.

    5. The AGW theory states that CO2 is the primary driver of temperature. They arrived at this idea because they did not know of anything else which could cause it. But during the 70's and during the current decade, temperatures dropped while CO2 continued to rise. This means that natural occurrences are driving temp, not CO2.

    6. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and sun spots provides a much better correlation to earths' temperature than CO2 levels ever have.

    7. Polar Bears are experiencing a population boom. Coke sales in the arctics are through the roof. Polar Bears have been around for thousands of years, and remember, we are only at the average for the last 2,000 years. They lived through all the previously warmer climates. The original picture of 2 bears on a floating ice block was a complete scam. The photographer explained that the bears were in no danger and close to shore. The picture was lifted from a public PC by another passenger and sent around the world.

    8. Many glaciers are expanding. Even Antarctica is growing on 98% of is land mass. Only 2% is melting.

    9. There is no consensus on AGW. This was a lie that has been propagated by the media.

    10. Yes we emit CO2 into the atmosphere and it is a greenhouse gas, but, we only contribute about .28% of all the greenhouse effect. Water vapor makes up about 95% of the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other trace gases round out the greenhouse gases at about 5% for all of them. Of that 5%, only 3% is CO2, and most of that is natural. Again, our contribution to the greenhouse effect is a paltry .28%

    11. The spread of disease is not attributed mainly to temperature. If this were the case, Florida would be a giant festering disease ridden cesspool. Economic standing is the primary determining factor in the spread of disease. Poor cultures can not fight the disease or eradicate the pests like more successful nations.

    12. Natural climate disasters (hurricanes, cyclones, etc) have never been scientifically linked to global warming (whether natural or man made).

  4. ARE YOU MAD?!

  5. About the global warming. As it has become a serious problem.

  6. I think the UN Secretary General is being a little over-dramatic but briefly:

    The 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Under Kyoto, 37 nations agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emission recognising there was a problem with global warming. However the United States' refusal to sign the treaty has undermined their efforts.

    The US is now recognising there is a problem but wants only voluntary reductions, In other words after eleven years of inaction, it wants to continue doing nothing.  

    Other nations have a choice -reduce emissions and be undermined by US selfishness, act as irresponsibly as the US or face up to a trade sanctions against the world's biggest polluter. The UN is trying to find a compromise as all three are bad options.

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