
Can you explain this. what are the good effect of modern technology in collage students? how can you ?

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report in the class without getting nervous? please i really really need it.




  1. c-o-l-l-e-g-e

  2. You can make collages on the computer, without scissors and glue.

  3. Well spell check is always a good thing.

  4. Cellphones, laptops, wireless connection, even the internet had really changed college life. Students now are more informed and aware with the world's activities and current events without leaving their living room. Students are able to research events and topics online with a vast collection of informations at their fingertips without spending hours in the library searching for topic related books. The internet also allows students to see and compare different opinions and points of views. Wireless internet and laptops made it easier for students to stay on top of their work without being confined in a room. They could be outside multi-tasking since college students are more likely to be working students as well. Also the invention of webcams and internet microphones made it possible to view lectures and interact with other students and teachers if in case they are at home sick and they could still view and hear the lecture (if the class is wired with webcams). Internet also made it easier for working students to take classes online and are used to communicate with teachers and professors after hours if they missed the office hours. Cellphones make it easier for students to communicate with others if they have questions with lectures etc....that's all i could think off right now..

    as for tips about doing class presentations..I still get nervous when I present..i don't think i ccould ever get use to it, but if take several deep breathes and only look at the professor (if she/he is sitting infront of me..if not then i focus on the back wall and avoid looking at students) then i'm fine and can get through the whole presentation.

    imagining everyone naked doesn't work for me. so just try to stay focus and just think "who cares what my class mates thinks!!!!" and trust me most of your classmates probably are scared shitless too. You don't know these people and after the end of that day, they won't even remember anything.


  5. If you're talking bout college* students, modern technology has a profound impact in education, students have more access to information due to the internet, and some college classes are even being done with aid of computers (slideshows, etc)

    besides there are lots of degrees that wouldn't exist without technology

    this may help

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