
Can you explain to me what full-blooded american is?

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im a little confused




  1. 100% american Indian. of which there are none

  2. I agree with the others in that the Native Americans were really the blood in the rooted sense but humble, martyrs who lost  all that, sadly.

  3. Its an oxy-moron! There is no 'FULL-BLOODED AMERICAN" As everyone knows how america was established. its a melting pot of english,spanish,african,chinese irish indian ect every blood imaginable.It could possibly be a term used to show patriotism,depending on the sentence it was use din,however I think I understand the tense it was used in and The above is the explanation is for that,

  4. No such thing. You can be from america but no one is really american by blood only by living and born here. The white people descended from Europe and blacks descended from africa (slaves). Latinos came from spain,mexico,south american,central america,cuba,etc. The only reall full blood americans are native americans.

  5. Native Americans are the only full blooded Americans!

  6. when u love hamburgers and hot dogs.....i am just guessing here!

  7. one who hasn't been to the donor's van in quite a while!

  8. American Indian, or Native American. And there are still plenty of full bloods left in the USA.

  9. that is because there is no such person

  10. There's no such thing.  You can be a full-blooded Caucasion or HIspanic, etc.  

  11. An oxymoron.

  12. Deprived.

  13. I believe a full blooded american are the Native Americans....notice the word...Native, they were here first!

  14. To me it would be the American Indian, which there are few if any left. In the 1800's it was the aim of the U.S. government, especially Andrew Jackson's administration, 'to eradicate the red man from the face of the Earth'. This became the norm for many of the following administrations until after 1900.

    However in modern terminology it is any natural born American whose ancestors were here for as long as 100 years or so. One might say that most of us are full blooded Americans, but this would be a misnomer.

  15. to me it means that you were born and raised in America by American parents and that you are taught American values and culture.

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