
Can you express yourself better when writing? Do you use words that you cannot think of when speaking?

by Guest59896  |  earlier

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Can you express yourself better when writing? Do you use words that you cannot think of when speaking?




  1. Yes definitely! When I'm talking, my mind skips over things too fast and I think faster than I speak. When I'm writing, I can rethink things, and pause. And use words which I'm not quite sure how to pronounce :) I'm a horrible speaker.  

  2. Yes

    I am a person of few words, written or spoken.

  3. Yes and because when writing I concentrate far more.

    When writing you cannot allow spelling or grammatical mistakes to creep into your text.

    When speaking I have to admit I am as lazy as the next and hear myself come out with poorly structured sentences in the belief that I will be readily understood within the context of a conversation.

    I think too that we tend to write to strangers rather than friends/family therefore we take more pride in displaying a greater level of exactitude and greater scope in our vocabulary.

    With friends/family often a grunt will suffice-shame on us all !!

  4. I think most people can, some words are hard to enunciate with certain accents. If I spoke the way I wrote people would think I was in the wrong century, I'm far more civilized on paper lol.

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