
Can you feed a kitten roast beef?

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What other table food can you give a kitten she is about 4 months old please answer quickly thanks




  1. i dont think roast beef is harmful- with the majority of things food is food, but with afew things you need to be  careful.  cats should NOT eat, among other things, the following.



    caffeinated beverages

    alcoholic beverages

    spicy foods

    dairy products including milk

    contrary to popular belief many cats can not tolerate cow's milk- it can cause diarrhea.  some stores sell "cat milk" which is formulated to taste good but not make them sick.  my cats love it.

  2. don't feed it any table food. You will end his life sooner.

  3. My grandma has had many cats in the past and once I went to the veterinarian with her and the vet told her to only feed her cat cat food which you can find at mostly any store. She personally went to pet-co where she got great discounts. But i think that the following site should help you at least a little

  4. only on fridays and in may lol just kidding but yeah if there ween

  5. you could if it eats it my old cat use to eat anything i dont seem any harm  

  6. yea, my kitten loved it.  

  7. yes u can just watch for worms with any moist food at that age

  8. yes

  9. I wouldn't it could tear up its stomach. The best thing to do is to either get kitten food or get some regular cat food and put water in it to soften it. And some milk is good. And water.  I would stay away from the table food. Or at least till its a little bit older.  

  10. You can feed your cat little bits of meat and fish.  She should probably stay away from very heavily seasoned food and things cooked in garlic (many spices and foods, like garlic are toxic to cats).  A tiny piece of meat now and again is a nice treat, though.

    The ironic thing is that plain meat is *better* for cats than most cat foods.  Cats evolved to eat a diet that's almost entirely meat.  Most dry cat foods, though, are primarily carbohydrates, which cats can't break down easily.  True, cat food has many vital nutrients that indoor cats wouldn't otherwise get, but a little meat now and again won't hurt.  I've found that the Purr-fectly fish (and chicken) meals are the best, since they're pretty much straight meat supplemented with some extra vitamis.

  11. uh, im positive it wont kill your cat, i have  cat too, but he doesn't even like tablefood.

    I don't see why not, but i doubt he'll even eat it.

  12. Any food seasoned with salt, onions, or garlic is bad for your cat to eat.  Once you start feeding table scraps you are going to have miserable mealtimes. Your cat will constantly be trying to get in your plate. Most human food is too fatty and spicy for a cat's digestive system.  Unseasoned, boiled chicken or chicken broth would be the only human foods I'd feed my cat.  Stick to cat food.  It's better for your cat.  Here is a list of foods that are bad and even toxic to your cat.

  13. If you feed it roast beef it will get a taste for BLOOD and want to KILL  

  14. I give my cat chicken gizzards and thin strips of beef(Never cooked ONLY raw) three times a week and her all natural kibble days are four days a week. She does not get any table foods like pasta and stuff like that.  

  15. Stick to cat food definately.

  16. I wouldn't do it. Stick to cat food. Table scraps aren't good for pets.

  17. No! your not supposed to feed cats anything else besides cat food.. other food doesn't have the right balance of vitamins for a cat

  18. it should be alright if you just give her a little bit. just be sure not to make a habit out of it.

    your best bet is to just stick with cat food. not only is table food bad for the kitten, it will get a habit of begging and jumping up on the table for food. pets actually get cravings for foods just like humans do after awhile of giving them human food so it'll be harder and harder to break the habit as you keep doing it.

    remember not to give her anything that might harm her. (Like chocolate). look up table scraps that cats can have before you give her anything.

    hope this helped!


  19. you can but not that much you can give them about anything but just a little taste

  20. NO !!!!!! do u want  ur kitten to die?~!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

  21. um.... I wouldn't give her any table food it isn't good for animals. My neighbor had a dog and a cat and they both died because the got poisoning from table food. The dog was 6 years old and the cat was 2 years old. I would stick to kitten/cat food.

  22. yeah. not too much though.

    just a little bit. (:

    in bite size pieces for the kitten.

    not giant chunks.

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