
Can you figuire out whats causing these eye symptoms?

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For the past few months my eyesight has been weird I get these little white specs in my vision similar to that of static on a tv. but I only notice it in the dark. also my peripheral vision is kind of shacky. any help on what could cause these symptoms. I appreciate it. I seen a opthamaligist and found out i have astigmatism plus they said I have 20/20 vision.




  1. How long ago did you see an eye doctor?  Maybe you need to go again, ESPECIALLY if the little white specks  and the poor peripheral vision have come up since your last visit.  Did you tell the doctor about these symptoms?  You really must tell the doctor.  Don't mess with your vision.  This could be very serious  

  2. My mom has had trouble with her vision lately.  She gets very blurred vision for sometimes an hour at a time.  Her regular doctor sent her to an eye specialist who said her vision is 20/20 and could find nothing wrong with her eyes.  He sent her to a neurologist, who discovered that it is in fact a neurological problem and has given her medications for it.  So, it does not mean there has to be something wrong with the eye itself.  Other things can be causing the problem. See your regular doctor and get some tests done....

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