
Can you figure out whether there is MSG in a certain restaurant's dish?

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Me and my friends LOVE vietnamese pho noodles. But we're afraid that it might contain MSG. Is there any way to check whether or not it contains MSG? (e.g. use litmus paper or something)




  1. Most things with seasoning/salt is just ask server if it has it. It is easy to get a dish without salt/ means your dish is super fresh!

  2. MSG is very common in Asian cuisine, used to bring out the flavor, so chances are there is, but eating it occasionally is not going to do you any permanent damage. What are you afraid of?

    Asians have no fear of MSG. It's a myth that MSG is bad for you. As Jeffrey Steingarten, the great American Vogue food writer once put it - why doesn't everyone in China [or Japan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia] have a headache?

  3. I love pho its not that bad its just that its addicting and afterwards it leaves you really thirsty and dehydrated. try to limit yourself by taking/draining out some of the soup, that will cut the servings of MSG you take. you can't really check it but the feel/symptom will tell you if there is MSG or not

  4. Just ask, request no msg.Which a common request.

  5. I'm not aware of any kind of test and as you'd have to buy the food to test it that would be a waste of money. It's best to phone the restaurant and ask them, but they might not tell you.

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