
Can you file a law suit against someone for?

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As silly as this might sound, keep in mind, I'm not a lawyer. Basically, I feel I'm being stalked and harassed here on YA for simply having a different view point about a different forum. I was told via mail here on YA that I was reported, with intent to get me banned out of here, and second report for harassing her on YA email.

The situation is, I WAS a member of another site, which in order to not violate any obscure TOS of CG issues, I won't name. I just got banned out of this forum for their own version of not talking how they liked basically. I called noone any names I just tried to get some kid to back off me and felt the kid was insulting my intelligence. The Admin there think he was just trying to help and didn't like my response, after a year on this forum, bye bye like that. Of course ask them, there's more to it, but this is the gist of just now.

So the admin of that site, uses her YA id to connect to me on here, so I mailed her to ask, hey what you going to do anyways? Ban me again? You can't you want me rejoin again so you can have that pleasure?

So she says she's reporting my profile, because I named her site no it as a place to avoid, as slander of her site and a violation here. I subsequently removed the name of her site as I could see this being viewed as a violation. She stated she expects me to get banned off here for that and tried to use my mail to her, AFTER she connected to me, and say that I was the one harassing her? Ummm who's connecting to who here?

I happen to think she's stalking me and I'm not feeling very secure on the internet and YA now because it's very clear to me, that her judgment is obscured and might be mentally unstable. Can I file any charges or complaints legally or not? I know that sounds STUPID but you never know with the US laws. It seems clear she's h**l bent to get me out of the fish section and not just banning me out of her precious teenager driven forum. Can anyone also review my profile and tell me if anything on there might be a violation so I can FIX it now?




  1. How would you sue her.  She more than likely does not  have her real info on her account i know i don't.  Just block her and move on with your life  

  2. I hate to tell you, but since you signed up for an account at either site you had to agree to the TOS(terms of service) and im almost 100% sure somewhere in the TOS it states the admin can ban you for ANY reason.

  3. Harassment is: '"repeated, intrusive or unwanted acts, words or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security or privacy of another, regardless of the relationship between the actor and the intended target."'  By that definition, I would be very careful about starting any lawsuit talk, since I'm sure if you tried, you'd open up the floodgates of people you've offended over the last 18 months of membership on said forum and on here.  Not to mention the matter of hypocrisy, considering you often say how hyper sensitive some people on the Internet are-- if somebody emailing you makes you uncomfortable, maybe the World Wide Web isn't for you.  People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    "I just got banned out of this forum for their own version of not talking how they liked basically."-- It may also be beneficial for any person giving you legal advice to get the whole story, which would involve mentioning that you were a large part of just about every altercation on that site, you were warned before, you had numerous complaints from members of that site, and most importantly, you displayed no stability as far as keeping your head on straight if somebody crossed you (hmm... history repeats itself?).

    "So she says she's reporting my profile, because I named her site no it as a place to avoid, as slander of her site and a violation here. I subsequently removed the name of her site as I could see this being viewed as a violation. She stated she expects me to get banned off here for that and tried to use my mail to her, AFTER she connected to me, and say that I was the one harassing her? Ummm who's connecting to who here?"-- I would just love to see that email, since I'm guessing she said she was trying to get you banned for slandering her site in the middle of your temper tantrum, not that she was going to get you banned for emailing her.  At any rate, connecting to somebody on Yahoo! Answers can hardly be considered a stalking or harassment, especially when you take a look at your own history of not "playing nice with others".

    "I happen to think she's stalking me and I'm not feeling very secure on the internet and YA now because it's very clear to me, that her judgment is obscured and might be mentally unstable."-- If having one potential crazy on the Internet makes you feel insecure, I strongly suggest you unplug your computer now.  Maybe if you took the time to breathe before throwing this inchoate, little fit, you might have thought to look back at what has traditionally happened: you blow up over something minor or not even pertaining to you, get in a fight, storm off in a tizzy, get reprimanded, and then try to make up.  This has happened at least 3 times, and I strongly suggest you maybe enroll in an anger management class, or even simpler, grow up.  Honestly, after reading your three most recent rants on here and the Y!A forum, I am doubting you have any mental stability.

    "I know that sounds STUPID but you never know with the US laws."--You are absolutely right.  It does sounds stupid.

    "Can you file charges for internet harassment or stalking?"-- Yeah, but the judge will have a hard time telling you to get over yourself through his/her tears of laughter.

  4. Try making up a NEW account, several. That will help hide you from your internet stalker. Otherwise there isnt much you can do.

  5. Technically, you allegedly committed libel, not slander.  I wouldn't consider this harassment or stalking on the admin's part because, as you concede, you publicly criticized the website in question on Yahoo Answers.  Legally, it would be in the admin's best interest to ask you to cease and desist.  If you refused the admin's next step would be to report the suspected libel to Yahoo.

    As for your profile, I'd remove this line:

    "Full story will be disclosed in private and you can be linked to the blogs about this site."

    This could be understood to mean that you are threatening to commit slander and/or libel against the website in question.

    I would also change this line:

    "Due to personal vengence sought by a previous forum I belonged to, and stalking by members of that site, at this time, I am no longer accepting contacts."

    This is another possible libel issue.  By not attributing the accusation of stalking to any known source you may lead readers to believe this has been decided by a court of law.  Instead of "stalking" I would write "what I believe to be stalking."  

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