
Can you file bankryptsy on your laser eye surgury financing.?

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god you people. I am filing bankruptsy. can I include the financing loan that i did to get my eyes lasered.




  1. Talk to the finance company and see if you can make smaller payments....that way you are paying them back and stop them from turning you into a collection agency - which is ALWAYS a hassle!

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

  2. No.  That's too small an amount.

  3. You do not file bankruptcy on individual debts.  You do or do not file bankruptcy.  If you do, all your debts are involved, except that student loans and a few other things cannot be discharged through bankruptcy.  Filing for bankruptcy does not mean that you do not have to pay your debts at all.  It may result in a reduction in the amount owed or in getting to pay over a longer period of time.  It also greatly hurts your credit for 7-10 years, even if you pay all the debts in full sooner.

  4. Yes if filing a TOTAL bankruptcy on all your debts and assets, not just for an individual outstanding balance.  When filing bankruptcy, you must include ALL outstanding loans both those on paper business wise and personal loans (i.e. family and friends) along with any outstanding unpaid credit bills, past unpaid utility bills, past phone bills, etc.  Even outstanding IRS income taxes you may owe, Land taxes, Property taxes, mortgages, etc.  ALL OF YOUR DEBT

    What happens is the Federal Bankruptcy Court decides based on the total debt ratio how much can be reasonably paid back vs. your income.  However, Municpal and Government taxes along with mortgages are not waivable but it helps in the determination of how realistically you may be able to pay the credit loans.

    Some may be completely discharged and not paid back at all and others may be reduced significantly in its dollar balance

    If this is because of the laser surgery only, then call the creditor and work out a deal.  Make sure they place the agreement in writing to you so you have back-up as to the agreement and you in turn write to them the agreement too.

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