
Can you fill in low area of a AG pool with sand?

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Im building a 18' above ground metal pool 52" wall. The leveler indicates im sloping a little and walls are leaning in a little on the low end. Im going to use sand on the bottom anyway, cant I just level the inside with more sand on the lowest area? I may loose depth but i thought it would be better than building up under the wall tracks which seems like it would increase my chances of liner blow out since it would not be packed down under the tracks. Also any thoughts about digging out the middle by about a foot for a "deep end"? would a overlap liner have a problem with that?




  1. First get yourself some bricks or patio blocks and place them under the supports on the pool wall thereby leveling it.  You can then level the area using sand.  Tell the sand supplier what you are using it for.  Some sand locks together better than others for a more stable base.  You should also create a cove of sand up the walls on the inside to prevent the pools liner from slipping out under the edge of the wall.  Mine has been in place almost 15 years now.  Unless your liner is designed for a deeper end don't try to improvise.

  2. Instead of building the low end up, you should dig the high end down. This will eliminate your fear of wall blow-out. Don't creat a 'deep end' with a liner designed for a flat bottom. There is probably no actual danger, but the flat design of the liner won't conform to the artificial deep end you create. This will cause creases in the liner and be unsightly plus ahrd to keep clean.

  3. The MOST important thing in installing an AG pool is that the walls are level!!!  Don't "build-up, remove dirt to level the high side.  I've seen many AG pools that have collapsed because people tried to "build_up" the low side

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