
Can you find a good job for a teenager (age !4) in Nashville, TN?

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I've been looking for jobs in the Nashville area but couldn't really find anything good. Also, I would like to be payed, if possible.




  1. Sonic, Hardee's, McDonald's, Chic-fil-a, Burger King, Kroger, Publix, Taco Bell, KFC, Wal-Mart...............................

    different companies have different policies about hiring minors so just apply the worse thing that can happen is they say no.

    when you go dress neat, clean, and appropriately for the business, be polite and ask for an application and the appropriate time to bring it back. you will need references so talk to teachers, clergy, coaches, anyone you have done casual labor for, friends parents etcetera be sure to ask if you can use them as a reference and let them know to expect calls from prospective employers.

    a website won't get you a job.......................

    you have to get out there and put forth the effort to find a job.

    You can mow lawns and other yard work(as casual labor only)

    You can clean houses(as casual labor only)

    You can wash cars(as casual labor only)

    You can deliver newspapers(selling subscriptions is not allowed)

    You can Tutor

    You can work as a pet-sitter/dog-walker

    You can assist the elderly.

    You can work as a baby-sitter.

    You can work as an actor or performer in motion pictures, television, theater or radio.

    at 14 or older you can do any or all of the above jobs as well as work in an:


    grocery store,

    retail store,


    lodging facilities,

    movie theater,

    baseball park,

    municipal parks,

    amusement park, or

    gasoline service station just to name a few……………….

    Tennessee does not require work permits for minors just proof of age. for more info about hours you can work, job suggestions, interview information etcetera go to "youthrules" there are links for teens, employers, parents and educators for each state.

  2. Chick Fil A is the only place I can think of that gives jobs to kids under 16.

    Try babysitting. I did it during my teen years and was able to make pretty good money. Send out flyers or business cards to people in your neighborhood, friends of the family, families at church, your parents work, etc.

    Also odd jobs for the same above kinds of people. Mowing the grass, planting flowers (older people in your neighborhood would appreciate this if its hard for them to do), painting walls, walking dogs, laundry.

    If you are active at a church, sometimes they will let teens help in the summers with youth activities or the day care at church.

    Just some ideas!

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