
Can you find a picture of a g*y man who looks straight?

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I have this theory that your facial features change when you turn g*y. I have never seen or heard of a g*y man who does not look g*y.

Thanks, no insult intended.





  2. Hello,

    Think of Rock Hudson who always played strong macho hero types.

    None of us had a clue he was g*y until the early 80's.

    Michael Kelly

  3. Try myspace g*y groups, I bet you'll find someone  

  4. Some straight men look feminine and some g*y men look masculine... it has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

    The wrestler Chris Kanyon looks stereotypically straight, but he happens to be a g*y man.

  5. Btw you dont "turn g*y".

    You ALWAYS are g*y.

    So your theory is false.

  6. its sad that g**s are so stereotyped already

    i agree there if definatley a "g*y" face and Helen Keller could tell those people are g*y

    but its not fair to say they all look like that

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