
Can you find anymore chapters of Midnight Sun anywhere? (Please no fan fiction sites) ?

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I heard of people reading about the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun and I want to know where you can find them... but I'm afraid about running into fan fiction. So please let it be a reliable source if you know of one.





    This looks like the real deal, they aren't lieing... I run a big fansite and alot of people dont know about it yet... but thats the best information I an give you  

  2. I loathe this snowball effect.  One question here asks about "WOAH MIDNIGHT SUN LEAKED," then you have to come and ask about it, and so it continues.

    Anyways, I seriously doubt any of Midnight Sun has been leaked.  And even if it has, don't go off and read it; that's totally immoral.

  3. Only the first chapter is out which can be found here

    There's a link at the bottom of the page.

    Stephenie Meyer hasn't even finish writing the book, and the first 12 chapters are a fake.  

    When you think about it the first twelve chapters would cover about half the book, the way Stephenie writes, and she wouldn't lose that many pages.

  4. i want to know too!

  5. They're lying. She has only released one true chapter.

  6. real ch 1 from stephanie meyer's site:


  7. Hopefully that dreadful book will never see the light of day. Another sick series from Ed's POV?! Spare us!


  8. I had imagined (before reading the first chapter) that Edward would sound a bit more sophisticated, having lived well over a century. So why does he sound like a 21st century young teenager?

  9. no, but i remember stephanie meyer having a chapter on her site!

    ill brb with a link

    EDIT: its green and underlined

  10. Ok, I found a link that was given to me, and it's the real thing!!! Here you go!!

    It is da bomb!!

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