
Can you find me curtains that would go with this bedding?

by  |  earlier

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This is the bedding I'm getting. the Look

Now! I don't want it hot pink or orange. That's the colors of my walls.

I'd like them to be either green or yellow.

My price range is from $10-$30.

I've tried walmart and target and Jcpenneys and I got nothing from them.

Thank you!




  1. In my daughters room I bought extra flat sheets and used them for matched her bed-linens and it was easy to hang.

    Just a regular cafe rod & thread the rod though the hem in the sheet.

    It looked nice and it was easy to maintain.

  2. check out Kmart, they have some stuff on the website that look like it has the green color. The curtains seem with in your budget currently on sell so you may want to go for it, you will still need to get the rods and such but i think that will still work with in the budget depending on where you shop. I posted a link in the sources.

  3. Well which of these colors do you like the best? what other colors in the bedding are already in your room and lastly what color is your room painted? you can cordinate with light greens or oranges or pink curtains.  

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