
Can you find out who I am just by me sending you an email?

by  |  earlier

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If so, provide your email address and prove it. (no I'm not a spammer, just want to see how private my private info. really is.)




  1. i could just send you a email and ask ya  

  2. Colonel has no idea what he's talking about. He lives in a fantasy land where hackers can do whatever they want on the Internet.

    You need to understand that email accounts know NOTHING about you initially. The only information it holds is information that YOU put there, at your own free will.

    Depending on what email service you use, it's possible to discover the IP address of the computer that generated the email. This IP address can be used to approximate your geographic location, but can only get as close as the nearest major metropolitan area. For example, mine will come up as Minneapolis/St. Paul. Good luck trying to find me.

    When you set up an email account, you tell it what you want the name to say. If you put your real name, that's your choice. Regardless of what you watch on CSI, it's nearly impossible to find someone by their name, especially minors. Try it sometime; see if you can pick out one person out of six billion using just a first and last name.

    An email is about as anonymous as you can get. You can create one without telling anyone an ounce of factual information.

    If you send me an email, I only gain one piece of information: how to email you back. As far as any other information... I'm totally clueless.

    And no, I'm not sending you an email.

  3. when some one gots an email the email shows who send it. hackers can open your email and know your personal things.

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