
Can you find work that provides free food and room?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, I am a wanderer/hobo (a literate hobo at that). I currently reside in California, and I do not live in a room, or have any type of financial support. But I am trying to find work that can provide me free room and board, in exchange for free labor. I was wondering if any sort of thing exists.

The closest thing I found to this is a Buddhist retreat in Northern California that provides $150 monthly stipend.

And if you're wondering how I somehow gained access to the internet, I'm on a computer in an internet cafe.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.




  1. alot of the national parks , zions, Bryce, yellowstone etc. almost any park will hire you at minumin wage and give you a place to live and feed you...and you have lots of fun!

  2. you could get a job at a hostel, I've been looking into that because I want to move out to Cal. after I graduate from Highschool.  There's quite a few in California, and they're all really nice, people have the completely wrong idea about them b/c of that movie.  You could also join Americorps, which is volunteer work, but you are provided a place to live and given a stipend to live off of.  Or you could be a live in nanny.

  3. Some resorts in Colorado offer this. Dude ranches and the like.

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