
Can you finish a footlong sub for Subway in one sitting? Is it worth it to get the $5 footlong sub?

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Can you finish a footlong sub for Subway in one sitting? Is it worth it to get the $5 footlong sub?




  1. I can't eat one in one sitting. I think it is worth it if you share it or take the rest home.

  2. if I am really hungry I can finish a foot long

  3. I really dont like subway.... They use the most garbage cheap cold cuts... ICK

  4. Yes I can finish a foot long in one sitting, & yes it is most definately worth it. $5 for a foot long sub? That's a good deal.

  5. If you want to eat 560 * 2 calories, than go do it. Add the drink, and anything else you want to eat.

  6. I don't finish it but I enjoy leftovers.  So I'd get the footlong and save the rest for later.  If you don't like leftovers, get the half.

  7. Most definitely. And chips and a drink. And I'm a pretty small girl. If I don't finish it all for some strange reason, I just save half of it for later. No problems!

  8. Yes and Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. i think its worth it if you are going to split it with somebody or have 1/2 for lunch and the other 1/2 for dinner! :) its cheaper than cooking at home, thats for sure!!

  10. Well, I can't!

    But I'm a 104 pound girl.

    I eat a six inch, but it's a better deal to get the foot-long for 5 dollar, vs a six inch for $3.99. For this reason I usually get a foot long and save half for the next day's lunch.


  11. Depends on how hungry I am, but it's worth it.  I went into Subway for the deal the other night, and the girl in front of me got a 6 inch and paid 40 cents less than me.  I think 40 cents is worth another half of a sandwich, especially since you can always wrap it up and save it for later.

  12. h**l yeah! Foot-long meatball subs are to die for!

  13. Cut it in half and take the rest of it home for a later meal.

  14. Get a footlong eat one there and then save the other 6inch for later. That's what I do. 2 meals in one. Can't go wrong $5 for a healthy sandwich. Especially pastrami. OK not so healthy but good.

  15. I used to be able to eat the whole sub when I was like... 10... but now im 16 and I could only eat it all if I was really hungry.

  16. Yes I could.  But... normally I eat half ans save the rest for later.

  17. I can. I was really hungry though. I think that if you're really hungry, you should get the subway foot long. It fills you up for a long time so you're not hungry anymore for a while :-)

  18. I cannot believe that. $5 which is £2.49 in England can only buy you half a footlong

  19. any real man should be able to finish a footlong in one sitting, and yea its worth it...

  20. i can finish a footlong from publix and they are huge and more expensive.  just get like a meatball one or something and if you don't finish it save it for later.  or go in half with someone else and both of you pay 2.50 for a 6 inch.  you can't beat that......

  21. Uh... yeah.  If I don't eat the footlong I will be no where near full.  I'm not even full when I eat the footlong.  I'm not fat either by any means.

  22. I used to before Weight Watchers. Now I just eat half and am satisfied. I just had half of my foot long today actually. The other half will be for dinner. :) 10 WW points in all. lol

  23. I can eat a footlong in one sitting, but I will admit it's tough.

    I'm a woman, so 6 inches isn't enough to satisfy me, but 12 inches is uncomfortable.  9 inches would be just perfect!

  24. Can't finish it..but worth the other half for later..two meals in one! Can't beat that.

  25. eassyy, and im way skinny

  26. I don't  but I'm sure I could!!

    And I'm only 15, female and very skinny!!

    I recommend cheese-steak with jalapeno peppers and Southwester sauce... Lettuce, tomato, and red onions, and cheese and herb bread TOASTED. Jee, I could eat 5 footlongs right now!!

  27. ohhh yeah meatball sub nothing fancy american cheese with some parmesian cheese not toasted......i could but that would be very fat of me to eat both in one sitting

  28. I know  several people  who  could  finish  a footlong  Sub in  one sitting.     It's  just  not  all that  much  food  for a   20 year old  guy  that  I know who  can eat  a   whole  LOT  of food in one  sitting.

  29. i wish it was only £2.50 here lol,  then i would so go for it  :)

  30. If you are my bf then Yes, If you are me then it is worth it.... eat half and save half for later, the trick is not to put sauce on it just get it on the side or use what ya have at home.

  31. i can infact i could manage 2

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