
Can you fly if you have been diagnosed with iritis

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My husband went to the hospital this morning with an inflamed eye and was told he has irits which is a common side effect of a condition he has called Ankylosing Spondylitis. The trouble is we are due to go on holiday tomorrow morning and he is concerned he may not be able to fly due to the air pressure. He is seeing an on-call specialist at the hospital this evening who will tell him for certain, but in the meantime I was just wondering if anyone here might know. Thanks.




  1. You are doing the right things, seeing the dr for eye infections with Ankylosing Spondylitis...  the only problem I can for see is photophobia.. he will be dilated to stop the muscle spasms..I don't think the airpressure will be a determining factor for delaying your trip.. but find a good optholomogist where you are going incase the symptoms get worse.

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