
Can you forget a person whom you want to forgive? Is there another good way to ease the pain?

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Can you forget a person whom you want to forgive? Is there another good way to ease the pain?




  1. Keep busy doing the things you like and surround yourself with the people you care about.  Try to avoid the pitfalls of sad songs and depressing thoughts...moving on is good for you.

  2. to ease my pain im usally here or playing my music, or now i can play with my pup i got now if im blue.

  3. yes tel u self you can and u will.''forget u'''

    i would forget Dem but dont forgive all depends what the person done..either way forget the person they hurt your feelings let them suffer lol

  4. if its a girl........


    Let yourself

    .fall in love again...

  5. Personally I don't think you can forget a person whom you want to forgive until you've forgiven them. They will always be on your mind until you've learned to let go and move on with the rest of your life. Yeah, it's easier said than done, but if you intend on ever moving forward you have to go back and forgive this person and you would feel better that you've finally ended this dreadful thing that unknowingly may have held you back from doing other things.

  6. first forgive them then decide that they have died and keep that thought and if they come in conduct with you act as if they aren't there

  7. The person that is your biggest pain - is your greatest teacher.

    It is easy to love those that love us, but it is harder to love those that we see as having "harmed" us in some way.

    Forgiveness is the answer. It will free you from the negative connection you have with them at the moment. Then you can love them. Why? Because they are the ones who have given you this opportunity to demonstrate to the Universe that you are greater than you thought. That you can rise up and forgive and love them under these trying circumstances.

    Then the pain will dissipate as the illusion that it really is.


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