
Can you get Radio stations outside of the major towns in New Zealand?

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I would imagine not, but I was just wondering, becuase I am leaving in a couple days and am not sure if I should take some CDs, for the longer drives, or will I be able to tune in to at least one radio station? I am currently packing to leave in 2 days, and am not sure if I should bring some. Thanks for the help.




  1. YES

  2. why does everyone think that New Zealand is such a loser place? Lol sorry. Most places get radio coverage unless your going through the ranges or are somewhere up in the back country. Take a few CDs anyway but you probably wont need them very often.

  3. yes, you will find New Zealand quite technologically advanced. You will be abe to get major stations except on some mountainous roads that may have difficulty getting reception.

  4. Yes you can, The Rock and 91 zm can be reached just about everywhere - to find frequencies go to either or We're not such a third world country and everyone seems to believe...

  5. There are several radio stations which are nationwide, but the reality is that there are several 'blind spots', particularly in the ranges.  For example, if we drive from Gisborne to Napier (about a three hour drive) we can only pick up radio stations for half of that.  It's always there, but it fades in and out so much that it's better to have nothing...   So, yes, take a few CDs just in case.

  6. Take some CDs or an ipod but most of New Zealand is covered by radio stations.


  7. In most places you can get radio stations.  I mostly listen to talkback on the AM bands, and Newstalk ZB reaches almost every where.  But I would either bring some CDs as well or call into The Warehouse (a NZ chain of shops found in any sizable town) and pick over their discout CD bin.

    it's possible that places like the West Cost of the South Island have blank patches.

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