
Can you get a 2 stroke dirtbike registerd in massachusetts? wat needs to be done to it and rules and anything?

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Can you get a 2 stroke dirtbike registerd in massachusetts? wat needs to be done to it and rules and anything?




  1. a dirt bike is to be road in the dirt so you dont need anything but gas and oil

  2. i'm assuming you mean street legal (not registered..)?

    2 strokes are on the way out thanks to the EPA... before you can even begin to 'legalize it' (which will most likely cost as much as the bike cost, or pretty close) it has to pass emssions....  

  3. It can not be registered for street use.

    In most states, if a vehicle is designated from the factory as "Off Road Use Only", it can not be made street legal, no matter what you do.  Dirt bikes are classified as Off Road Use Only.

    You may want to call your local DMV to verify this as they would be the people you would need to satisfy to get your registration.

    If you need something for the street and the trails, sell your dirt bike.  Put the money from the sale towards a dual purpose bike.  In the long run this would be cheaper than attempting to modify your dirt bike for street use.

  4. No

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