
Can you get a Spanish (EU) passport based on parent's spanish nationality?

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My dad has Spanish and US citizenship. I heard a few years ago that Spain passed a law saying that adult children of Spanish citizens could get derivative citizenship through a parent. I've looked on Spanish gov't websites for more info, to no avail. Anyone know anything about this? I'm a US citizen. thanks.




  1. Try the US embassy

  2. Partial summary of the law (entitled LA LEY 36/2002, DE 8 DE OCTUBRE (B.O.E. 9-10-02) SOBRE NACIONALIDAD ESPAÑOLA, QUE ENTRARAN EN VIGOR EL 9 DE ENERO DE 2003):

    Anyone whose father or mother was Spanish and born in Spain can choose Spanish nationality, without time or age limitations. In most cases, you will have to renounce your current nationality, unless you hold Latin American, Andorran, Philippino, Guinea Ecatorial, or Portuguese citizenship.

    More info:

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