
Can you get a child support order against someone in another country

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If you live in the states and your (now) ex lives in the uk,can i contact someone to help get some kind of child support order against them?

a little back info - the person literally packed their bag and walked on on their (all under 18)kids,so there wasn't a child support order or case of any kind already in effect, they've been hiding out over in england a few years and ive recently found them and want to seek action,is this possible? any info would help,like who i should call or do.(like what type lawyer) and if this is even possible?




  1. Contact your local D.C.S.E and let them know there address and place of employment. First file for childsupport and explain to your case worker the issue and thats that!

  2. Get an Attorny now.

  3. it may be possible but your ex may just pack up and move to ireland.  you may want to chalk it up and forget about your ex.

  4. I personally wondered about this too, but I never thought that you could get child support from someone who's in another country. I feel that the U.S. will incorporate new laws that will not allow people to leave this country if they have outstanding debts, child support payments, etc.

  5. that is going to require legal assistance, it can be done

  6. Contact your state's child support enforcement office. The US has a reciprocal child support agreement with the UK.

    Hope this link helps,

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