
Can you get a cosmotology license if you are a felon in Texas? ?

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If someone has a felony for a drug charge can you get a license from the Texas State Board???




  1. I am almost certain you can. the state licensing board for cosmetology will review your application when you apply and they will take into consideration the nature/seriousness of the felony and how much it relates to the license you are applying for and how long ago the felony occurred. Be honest about any arrests, because not reporting them gives them cause to deny your application. Worst case scenario, if you are denied your license, you can appeal the decision. You might have to give proof of rehabilitation such as letters from a drug program or letters from upstanding members of the community (e.g., clergy) who know your character. You could try calling the licensing board and asking them, but from my experience in CA, they will probably say they can't tell you until you apply. I am in a similar situation myself. I called the state board before I started a master's program to see if they could tell me if I would get licensed once I completed the program and was told they wouldn't be able to tell me until I applied, after 3 years of grad school. It's more than a little scary investing 3 years of my life and thousands of dollars knowing I could be denied, because I have felonies, but I am going to try anyway. Here is a link you might find useful

    and contact info Contact Information

    Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations

    920 Colorado

    Austin, TX 78701

    (512) 463-6599 phone)

    (512) 475-2871 (fax)

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