
Can you get a florida state i.d. while being a runaway??

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one of my bestfriends is going to try to get a florida state i.d. while she is a runaway and im scared she is going to get herself into trouble... are they going to arrest her right when she gets into the building or is it not going to be a big deal??? i dont want anything happening to her




  1. Well if she attempted to get an ID there, they will put her in the puter and go by her social security number.. than they will call the local SS office and it will go from there.. so she's not gaining anything really by running away.

    And then they could put her in foster care which could be alot worse then her life at home was.

  2. Your friend needs to contact her family.. They are probably really worried about her and miss her terribly.

  3. ya if u have all ur papers

    birth certificate

    social security #

    and i think passport

  4. well depends on how old she is.. also wshe has to have proof  (birth certificate) or something  or shool id

    How to Apply for a Florida ID Card

    Show your documents proving identity (non-U.S. citizens can use these documents as proof).

    Show your Social Security card (if you have one).

    Be at least 12 years of age (no age requirement in Citrus, St. Johns, and Monroe counties).

    Offer proof of your correct address.

    Pay the applicable fees:

    Original card: $3

    Renewal: $10

    Duplicate: $10

    Address change: $10

  5. Technically, she can't be arrested or cited as a runaway. Her best bet is to go to the local police department (or social services office) and tell them that her parents kicked her out of the house, won't let her back in AND they have reported her as a run away. With this being "documented" she will be able to get an id card as long as she HAS the required documents. However, she can NOT get an id card without the required documents, no matter what.

    Also, just in advance, be safe, do NOT let her use your documents in order to obtain an id. that will get you in loads of trouble

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