
Can you get a good education at a public school?

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I have four young kids on a limited budget. I considered all options for them. I want the best for them. Private school is alot. So I will go ahead and send my kids to a public school and save money. Can the kids do just as good as kids in a private school? I am thinking about doing a part time online schooling along with their schooling. How do you decide the best choices for the kids? You want to value them. You don't want to sell them short of all they can be. How can I make a foundation for them to grow into all that is possible? By the way I went to public school and did drop out. I got a GED. School has changed over time. I had a rough childhood. That made me consider taking another route with my kids. I was going to inner city school with lower test scores. Now I live in a rural area with test scores above average as I seen on Goodschools website. With the internet I think kids at public school as a tool to keep up if they work hard. Whats the best option for kids in todays age?




  1. I know for a fact that private schools have a higher education level; one in my town is almost two grades ahead of public schools. Public is fine, though. The kids should get the education they need.

  2. it depends really on the area u r in, but u can do just as well in public school, and the people are more down to earth there. if i had to choose i would go to a public school over a private school so dont worry about ur kids being not as well off just because u dont have enough money for private school.

  3. as a student, i can't tell you what schools are best or what you should do for your children, but i can say that even in public school, it's been a great learning experience for me throughout my years, i will be a junior this year, and i'm very disappointed to be leaving so soon.

    i've done so well throughout school, all i can say from a child's point of view is just to be encouraging, to help when help is needed, and be the best parent you can be...praise your children for their hard work, they will remember it, i promise.

    in public school i have gotten fantastic grades, i wouldn't transfer to a private school for the world. my closest friends are at my school and the teachers are great. i think public school is more laid back and is a better environment, it makes me really comfortable to know that besides the normal drama that all high schools have in common, that i can go to a school where i get support and a good education. this might not help much, but from a public school attender's point of view, maybe it might make the decision a little easier.

    whatever choice you make, your children will thank you.

  4. Of course you can get a quality education at public schools. If you are truly worried, make sure you do research on the nearby schools. You are not always stuck with the one in your district (schools of choice).

    I have been in public school my entire life and I am doing amazingly in my classes and so are many of the people in my school. Several are going to Ivy League schools and most everyone I know takes full advantage of the AP classes available. We always have online classes and dual enrollment as options at the nearby university and community college.

  5. difficult question... my mother went to a public school and he sister ( my Aunt) wen t to a Grammar School and they bother  did well later in life and achieved about the same things. Its all circumstances around the family and location .. what is around you...

    Some Schools whether Public or Private  are good and some are bad....

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