
Can you get a license as an insurance agent if you had a burglary (pettitheft) in August 2004?

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I am training to be a licensed Insurance Agent. Can I still get one if I have this on my record. Or is a waste of time??




  1. Everything from the previous answer is also true in MN. I'd assume that it's pretty standard in most states. You can always apply and see what happens, but by that time, you'll have paid testing fees and class fees.

    I'd check up on it with the state before going through the trouble.

  2. Check with your states Insurance Department for example this is what the law is in MO

    You are not automatically disqualified from obtaining a license if you have a criminal record.

    On the application for a license, there are specific instructions about the information to provide about your criminal record on the conviction.

    Describe the circumstances surrounding your arrest, the charges and the conviction.

    Provide a certified copy of the Indictment or Information and the Judgment and Sentencing documents that show the disposition of each criminal charge.

    Submit complete information with your application.

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