
Can you get a mantoux (PPD) test wet?

by  |  earlier

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it's that TB skin test that has to sit on your arm for three-four days.

my doctor says don't get it wet, so i hafta wash my hair in the sink and miss out on the summertime.

but my friends weren't told that and one of them says her test came back negative despite getting it wet. so what's up, is my doctor just old and telling me an outdated rule for an older version of the test?

i am going to the beach today so i would love to know if i can hop in the ocean!




  1. I have been a Nurse for many years and, I have never heard of such a thing. Nurses need to have a Manx test every year.I can understand if you were told not to rub the area vigorously after receiving the shot. So, you go to the beach and enjoy yourself !!

  2. why would your doctor give you advice like that if it didn't matter? I would stick to keeping it dry just to be sure.  

  3. When i got it a few months ago i asked my doc if i can get it wet and he said yes its fine because before several years ago it was not allowed to get its not an issue.

    im sur eyou can go to the beach and enjoy yourself.  

  4. Yes, it will not alter the results at all.

  5. I have never heard of not getting it wet.   I've had 2 a year since 1996 because I'm a nurse, and also given more than I can count.  All I know is I've never had any problems at all.  I don't know of anyone having any problems with that either.  I shower like normal and I'm supposing they do to.  Very Odd!

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